
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Columbia's Counseling Services Office is spread thin amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Hear about what's causing the office to struggle and how it's still trying to meet student's needs.
The Music Department has a new way for its students to rehearse in tune and in sync while staying safe. Learn about how the Motu audio system works.
Coming up, at-home meal kits are on the rise since the start of the pandemic. Here are two options for you to order from that are owned by Black-women entrepreneurs.
Keep listening to hear from Camilla Forte, director of photography, as she says goodbye to the Chronicle and hello to new opportunities.

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Hunger strikers on Chicago's Southeast Side protested the city from giving General Iron an operating permit. Hear why they put their lives on the line for 25 days.
Black Souls Welcome is a new art exhibit that celebrates Black multimedium artists. Put on by Student Diversity and Inclusion and Columbia students, it aims to extend Black History Month. Learn about what you can see before it closes on March 30.
The Chronicle staff has compiled its top books for Women's History Month. Hear from one of the reporters who suggested "Cinderella Is Dead," and why she chose it.

Friday Mar 26, 2021
Fear Of Missing Out Podcast Ep. 8 Professional Wrestling
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Oh, you didn't know? Well you better you better call somebody because we're back with another episode of the Fear Of Missing Out Podcast. A show where your host, Isaiah Colbert, talks to super fans about popular or niche media and asks them what they love about them and where newcomers can get started. This week, Wrestfriends Teti Chavez and Iridian Fierro are in with the hot tag talk about professional wrestling.

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Fear Of Missing Out Podcast Ep. 7 Ducktales
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
We're back at it again with another episode of the Fear Of Missing Out Podcast. This week your host Isaiah Colbert is joined by Kait Venturina as she talks about all things Huey, Dewey, Louie as they quell your fear of missing out on Ducktales. Woooo~

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Columbia’s graduation ceremony is virtual for the second year in a row. For some, it feels like a robbed milestone. Hear about the student-led initiative that these two students are leading to push the college to reconsider an in-person ceremony.
Protests have continued in Russia since January in favor of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Learn about how these protests are hitting closer to home for some members of the Columbia community.
Stay tuned to hear from the top winner of the “Next Generation” scholarship provided through the National Retail Federation Foundation. The student won $25,000 and had to jump through various hoops to apply.
Lastly, hear from one of the Chronicle’s staff member’s thoughts on cancel culture and how its affected Dr. Seuss’ books.

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Fear Of Missing Out Podcast Ep. 6 Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
We have more fears to quell! Welcome to another episode of the Fear Of Missing Out Podcast, a show where we talk to super fans about popular or niche things and ask them what they love about them and where newcomers can get started. Role for initiative with host Isaiah Colbert and this week's guest Patrick Foley as they talk about tabletop roleplaying games.

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Hear about why Cinema and Television Arts students are taking a stand against new changes coming to their department this fall.
The latest edition of FRANK magazine is out. Hear about the variety of stories that were published including a faux political campaign about a cat.
Keep listen to hear about a place you and your friends will want to go to for the perfect selfies. Magic Selfie is the newest popup selfie playground.

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Columbia students are mourning restaurants that once brought them together. Learn about what South Loop restaurants have closed.
Associate Professor in the English and Creative Writing Department Patricia Ann McNair asks the question, “What happens when responsible adults are anything but responsible people?” In her new book, “Responsible Adults.”
Get behind the scenes details on the new Immersive Van Gogh Chicago Exhibit that will make you want to “Gogh.”

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Fear Of Missing Out Podcast Ep. 5 Derry Girls
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Welcome back to another episode of the Fear of Missing Out Podcast. This week, Suzanne McBride, Communication Department chair and professor at Columbia College Chicago, sits down with us to talk about the binge worthy series Derry Girls.

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Fear Of Missing Out Podcast Ep. 4 Twilight
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Oh, you thought we were done talking about romance in the month of February?! Join us as we talk to Texas' own Arrington Linder about glittery abs and werewolf boys in this weeks episode, Twilight.